What’s After COMVIK? The Future of AI & Software Patents with Benita Mackay

Show notes

Join patent expert Benita Mackay and me for a discussion on the future of software patents in Europe. We'll go beyond the COMVIK approach and explore potential new standards, especially for AI inventions.

In this session, we'll cover:
- Why COMVIK may be failing: Unpacking its limitations in protecting cutting-edge software and AI technologies.
- A new era of software patents: Exploring possible modifications to the novelty and inventive step requirements.
- ChatGPT weighs in: We'll analyze the AI's proposal for "Process Innovation Use Claims".
- Navigating the EPO: Benita shares her predictions and practical advice for successfully patenting software and AI in Europe.

Learn more about Benita Mackay:
- Benita on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/benitamackay/
- Benita at Bryn Aarflot: https://baa.no/en/employees/benita-mackay

Links from this episode:
- Benita’s article “ChatGPT 4o's Process Innovation Use Claims”: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/chatgpt-4os-process-innovation-use-claims-benita-s-mackay-xvnof/
- The original LinkedIn comment discussion: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:ugcPost:7249644922151026688?commentUrn=urn%3Ali%3Acomment%3A%28ugcPost%3A7249644922151026688%2C7249660226411368448%29&dashCommentUrn=urn%3Ali%3Afsd_comment%3A%287249660226411368448%2Curn%3Ali%3AugcPost%3A7249644922151026688%29&lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_detail_base%3BgF%2B6%2BHxCTwWyHOzgrljAvg%3D%3D

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